Los Angeles Chapter of Risk and Insurance Management Society

Event Registration

"Indoor Air Quality - evaluation, management and mitigation"
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Program Time:11:30 A.M.
Adjourn Time:1:30 P.M.

Registered and paid in advance:$49
At the door registration:$65

Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
4222 Vineland Ave.
North Hollywood, CA 91602
Guest Speaker(s):
Richard L Wade PhD, MPH, Independent consultant and adjunct professor of Medicine at UCI

Event Details:
Some of you may remember when we were captivated by Dr. Wade who gave his impromtu lecture relating to cruise lines last year.

This presentation will address issues of risk evaluation, risk management and risk mitigation regarding indoor air quality in commercial buildings. Starting with the basics on what constitutes healthy indoor air quality the lecture will conclude with the prevention of indoor air quality problems. The lecture will detail ways to evaluate indoor air quality and how to recognize poor indoor air quality.

The presentation will then go into some depth as to specific indoor air quality hazards such as elevated gas levels e.g. carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, the off gassing of toxic chemicals from furnishings, overcrowding, gas leaks, airborne dust (including wildfire participates concerns), asbestos, biological agents such a mold spores, legionella bacteria and anxiety produced indoor air quality claims.

Recognizing the above hazards, the presentation will present guidelines and case examples on how to address claims of poor indoor air quality, how to work with consultants, and provide technical guidelines on case specific risk assessments and management.

The lecture will conclude with a discussion of expectations and specific work practices and maintenance procedures to be expected by building owners to provide for safe and healthful indoor air quality.


Richard L Wade PhD, MPH
Independent consultant and adjunct professor of Medicine at UCI

Richard L Wade PhD, MPH: is an independent consultant and adjunct professor of Medicine at UCI. With academic training in engineering and environmental sciences, he has worked on hundreds of complex chemical and microbiological issues. As a regulator, ( Deputy Chief of Cal OSHA ) and as a State Health officer for the State of Minnesota he spent 20 years addressing these issues as a government official. Over the last 24 years he has worked in academia and private consulting on many complex indoor air quality issues worldwide. Dr. Wade is an Associate of the National Academy of Sciences, and a member of the Naval Studies Board where he advises the US DOD on environmental and health related issues such U.S. troop exposures to chemical and biological agents. He is the recipient of the American Public Health Associations lifetime Achievement Award in 2000.

Please call the LA RIMS office at 818.843.2245 with questions

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