Los Angeles Chapter of Risk and Insurance Management Society


Discover the benefits of membership! Membership in RIMS can make a difference. Join us and meet more than 8,900 risk management professionals located throughout North America and the world. In addition to networking locally and globally, there is much more RIMS can offer. Consider the many benefits of membership.

RIMS member organizations include more than 70% of U.S. and Canadian companies with 10,000 or more employees from industries like manufacturing, retail and wholesale trade, technology, finance, healthcare and government.

Meet others through our global network of risk management professionals.

Local Chapters
As a RIMS member you have the opportunity to network with your peers locally. Attend Chapter meetings, get involved on committees, and get the most out of your membership.

RIMS gives you the opportunity as a member to communicate with other risk management professionals through online industry E-Groups. Have a question about insurance coverage? Disaster management? The Retail industry? This is the place to go to find the answers from your peers who have had the same experiences.

Risk Management Directory
Members have access to network with all RIMS members through an online membership directory.

Buyer's Guide
An online resource of service providers at your fingertips.

Professional Development Classes and Distance Learning Courses
Members receive a discount on registration fees for all courses. Enhance your skills and knowledge of risk management through instructional methodology that focuses on case studies. Also, receive your RIMS Fellow designation or prepare for your ARM exam.

This online news service compiles the day's to 20 risk management headlines in one e-mail sent to your inbox daily.

Risk Management Magazine
As a member, you will receive a yearly subscription to Risk Management Magazine. The magazine offers you in depth articles and coverage of the most current issues facing risk management professionals today.

Conference Discounts
Take advantage of substantial discounts on registering for the RIMS Annual Conference & Exhibition. Join fellow risk managers and experience first hand the largest gathering of professionals dedicated to the advancement of the risk management industry.

RIMSCOPE is our bi-monthly online, interactive newsletter. RIMSCANADA is our quarterly newsletter. Both provide information on RIMS activities, chapter events, legislative issues, and professional development courses.

Career Services
As a member you will have access to search the RIMS Job Bank for current available positions as soon as they are posted. Members also receive a discount on career counseling. Learn how to maintain your job and enhance your potential with your current employer by taking advantage of this service.

Members receive a discount on the purchase of any publications offered through RIMS.

Legislative Alerts
Stay up to date on risk management issues.

RIMS Alert
Members receive a bi-monthly e-mail announcing special RIMS programs, conferences, professional development courses and other risk mangement events.

As a RIMS member you have the opportunity to help set RIMS direction by volunteering to serve on a Society committee. The more time you invest, the greater value there will be to your RIMS membership.

Mailing Lists
Members may purchase RIMS mailing lists for a discounted fee.

Take pride in belonging to the premier association of risk management that protects and advances the interests of risk management professionals through the provision advocacy, research and education.

LA RIMS Thank Our Sponsors


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(818) 843-2245 PO Box 10065 Burbank, Ca 91510
Copyright ©2002-2025 Los Angeles Chapter. All rights reserved