Los Angeles Chapter of Risk and Insurance Management Society

Event Registration

"Liars Exposed!"
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Registration Time:11:30 a.m.
Adjourn Time:1:30 p.m.

Registered and paid in advance:$45
At the door registration:$60

Beverly Garland Holiday Inn
4222 Vineland Ave.
North Hollywood, CA 91602
Guest Speaker(s):
Phillip Maltin, JD, Attorney, Speaker, Author

Event Details:
Imagine knowing that someone is lying, whether an employee at work, a business rival during negotiations or someone in your personal life. The techniques Mr. Martin reveals in his seminar, Liars Exposed!, make those insights possible.

Using unstaged video, and a technique he summarizes as the READ System, his seminar answers questions such as:
  • Is one conduct always associated with dishonesty?
  • Are honest people more likely to make eye-contact?
  • How do you question different types of people to uncover the truth?
  • What did Bill Clinton do while testifying that virtually destroyed his credibility?
  • Is a man, claiming to be the second gunman, telling the truth when he says he fired on the Presidential motorcade in Dallas in 1963?


Phillip Maltin, JD
Attorney, Speaker, Author

Mr. Maltin is an employment lawyer and trial attorney who has traveled North America for more than two decades to work with countless lawyers, employers, executives, human resource professionals and the media on how to identify when someone is lying, the behavior for which to look and the sorts of questions to ask. His legal work and seminar on identifying liars have been featured on NBC News, Good Morning America, NSNBC, Keith Olbermann Show and on the cover of the Los Angeles Lawyer magazine.

Please call the LA RIMS office at 818.843.2245 with questions

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